Wow, it's hard to believe this was just two short years ago! This is a picture from the day Jade got baptized. It was very special because her baptism fell during Christmastime. I remember my energy then. We cleaned the house from top to bottom and did extra decorations for Christmas. I remember buying the meat platter and hoping we would have enough money for the rest of the weekend. That was my biggest problem then. You know what though, we are thriving in our new, unexpected life. I can throw back several meds at once (a fete I thought I would never accomplish) and my doctor said the top of my lungs are completely clear! Yippy! Sure it is sometimes scary, I had a day like that last week, I went to see "Emma Smith, my story" and realized I am not alone in a great trial. And the blessings that have come of this are amazing! Here is are a few of them, just to name a few:
We are all closer to our Father in Heaven
We really read the scriptures each night and say our prayers
I worked part time before, now I am more available to my family
Jade is a very compassionate thoughtful little girl and more independent
Darren has been very blessed in his career
I learned to really "seize the day"
We have met many wonderful people (my Doctor's and Nurses)
It was amazing to see how much my family, friends, and neighbors love us
We got Boo, our little weiner dog!
I know one way I am supposed to use the time, temple work!
We all have stonger testimonies, especially in prayer and blessings.
Jade got involved in tennis and snowboarding.
Darren made some unlikely great friendships at work.
Jade has been blessed with great friends at school in her Spectum program
I will probably end up healthier due to a great work out program I learned at my alma mater the U of U! Thanks Guys!
One of the biggest blessings has been that our friends the Christensens have become our family away from family even more so! They have done so much for us I cannot even begin! Let's hear it for Heidi, Brent, Garrett, Parker, Mads! We love you guys!
Well, the list goes on but I must say this new path is going to be ok as long as I make it on the treadmill today!