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Monday, June 9, 2008


What a whirlwind of a first week out of school. Ya, and I managed to be sick with some kind of virus that knocked me flat (in between keeping all of our plans) no wonder I could not move this weekend, my body was done! Here is a quick list of what we did and a real post with pics will follow.

Saturday- My sister in-law's Baby shower she got 12 baby swimsuits, one from us, they are doing a calendar. Rhiannon will not tell what they are going to name her, darn!

Monday- Jade's first day off, went to explore Bountiful, went beading( we made necklaces!), bought stuff to teach our selves to knit. Does anybody know? We don't get it. Made Dar's favorite sourcream enchilada's got in a fight with a DI employee over princess parking. Well not really a fight but this girl was something else, she does not understand cute moms that look perfectly healthy (me) really do need princess parking! Watched the Bachelor on VH1 with Jade, we laughed and laughed!

Tuesday- Jade's first piano recital! She did awesome! Mand, I can't wait til you teach Jade a new song! I woke up to Jade in my face with the cell phone playing the snake dance. I felt awful, I still made a cake for Jade's recital. I made musical notes with kit kat pieces and chocolate kisses! Dar's parents came by, my Parent's and Sister and her fiance came to the recital, thanks guys! Jade chose Golden Corrall (sp?) for dinner. They had to make my plate, I was done.

Wednesday- Jade and I zenning at the mall. I had really been looking forward to this, we went to the summer clearance at the bath store. They had yummy stuff for two bucks. I sat on the floor while Jade looked at earrings at clairs. We had a blast.

Thursday- Just shoot me, I feel horrible. Jade and I watched our favorite show for hours, Jon and Kate plus eight. I do not remember much else except Jade on the phone with her friends trying to make plans for the next day to see Kung Fu Panda, how am I going to do this I thought?

Friday- Kung Fu Panda started. I bought tickets on Fandango and picked up three kids and a little sister. I seriously thought I was going to faint at the movie, I cried before we had to leave. What was I thinking? The movie could have waited. I managed to somewhat enjoy it. I talked Sawyer through putting gas in my car and when we got home I collapsed on the couch and Jade ran around getting me a blanket a drink and meds.

Saturday- Jade had her first paying babysitting job for her aunt jenn my sister who lives in Bountiful so we had a date in Bountiful (we did not realize she would be engaged for seven hours) we went a great nursery, J&L, Dar took me to paradise cafe for this great mexican tomato soup, we found our outdoor furniture at target! Yay! we had been looking everywhere. Wrapped up the day at Barnes & Noble. Jade was exhausted and so proud. Poor girl, she was very concerned with safety and her two baby boy cousins ran her ragged and spoiled her with kisses. My sis gave her twenty dollars and asked for her every saturday, thanks Jenn Jenn for giving her that opportunity I feel blessed that you are so close.

Sunday- I did not move. LOL which really bites because I really really really wanted to go to church and managed to guilt trip Jade into going even though she was tired too. That girl's conscience would not let her stay home, I was soooo happy, she will be alright I think as she gets older. Dar cleaned our bedroom up a little and said he was not speaking to me, LOL was it the shoes I bought or the mess on the floor on my side of the bed, Dar you are sooo great, thanks honey. He came down and chided Jade and I for watching more Jon and Kate in our jams and not moving. It did not phase me, I had a big week. He said he was worried I was so weak. I knew I had just had enough.

Today- Dar took Jade on a Daddy Daughter Date to Lagoon since Uintas are still closed. They are still not home. Jade had this thing about me having a spa day she even called me five minutes after she left to remind me Aveda grassroots spa was just across the street. Daughter's are great, huh. I kept my appointment with Massage Envy at one. It was nice but I could not wait to get to Ikea where I planned Jade's bedroom makeover and walked out empty handed, a first for me! Must have been the massage bill. I stopped quickly at Nordstrom Rack on thirteenth and then took fifteenth to my school. I love going to the U. So many memories and it inspires me to reach my goals. Megan I swear I did not read your blog til I got home. Can you believe we both love college campuses. I went to the bookstore and bought a u of u pen for dar for his birthday and some notebooks with the u insignia and remembered picking up my cap and gown there. I am so glad I graduated. I went to the u library and sat and wrote a letter to Dar in his notebook then wrote some goals in mine and being there alone I felt twenty two again! I remembered studying with Dar the year we were at the u together. Okay now I want to go back to the college days just for a day. Wow, my family just got home, and today I finally feel like a human again. Well that was our week, I think it is going to be a great summer!