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Thursday, November 20, 2008

Things couldn't be suckier and yet I am so Happy, Another Gratitude Post

Ya, it's pretty bad, and ya I am quite cheerful! Maybe it's a little denial, LOL. Or, Jade just made herbal tea for me last night and wrote a cute note saying she appreciated me for making her bonnet for school. Boo (my puppy) has been so perceptive to my plight and licking my hand or cuddling up to me. I was out with my girl Heid and we saw the most amazing, huge, falling star right over the base runway. I made a wish. Or maybe it's because my DH and I looked at homes and my heart and a huge weight on my shoulders was lightened. I realized I could iliminate a lot of pain and frustration for all of us with one level living. I had just prayed for help with our layout and the grief it causes when Dar made the suggestion to look. I had this great feeling when we toured one model. We could swing it and in one flail swoop I could have a main level master suite I loved. Laundry, granite countertops, island, built ins and formal dining. We could even have this on the main level and still have an upstairs with guest bedroom, room for Jade an office for Dar and studio for Jade and I. Pretty tempting when I don't let myself think about leaving my dear home. Maybe I am happy because a girl movie is out (twilight) and my sis invited me as well as my dear friend Nicole. It may be too late to get a ticket now but Nic was so sweet because my friends in this group all work together, it just touched my heart.
I am also having fun planning Jade's primary buds birthday bash, because it calls for creativity and I love to try to be creative, and I love birthdays, they are so happy, even for me. I just read Marley and Me in one day, no energy to do stuff, and it is a great book and gave me a lot of renewed faith in life. I recommend it to all. Recently I have been watching Good Things Utah and Oprah because they are so positive and informing and inspiring. I have learned soo much from design shows on HGTV and have tried to do some stuff for low cost or free in our home and WoW how fun! Jade's long time P.E. teacher suggested Jade do the reflections Wow contest on me, that was nice, even though it is not Jade's style to attract attention. We ARE going to Disneyland for Christmas which I think will be a pretty great experience, I just love that happy land. Finally, Jade did a great home evening lesson complete with songs, visual aids, typed hand outs and an she used one of my easel's, how cute is that (not to brag).
As for the bad stuff, well, I do not exagerate. I have so many BIG challenges right now and some I should not even deal with for 30 years from now, I can only shake my head, let my jaw drop and laugh (a little histerically) and cry. Now, do I have a thing on my forehead that says give this girl a hard time and take out your stuff out on her, she LOVE'S it! Because that, has been happening A LOT! Oh well, we've got to give a little, take a little, and let our poor heart's break a little, that's glory of, that's the story of love. I prefer to focus on being happy, yep, I am still grateful, bring it on!

Friday, November 7, 2008

Gratitude In November

As we have smiled and laughed through another tough week (reminds us of fall 2006), I also reflected upon all that we have to be grateful for. I am Grateful to my Heavenly Father who is always there, and understands our joys and challenges like no other . I am grateful to my DH for his ever present help, love, security and commitment. I am also grateful for his patience and clean up of Jade's farm, (1 mini dachtson (sp?) ) 1 cat and four adorable kittens, even though he is alergic.

I am very grateful for my darling daughter, born on Thanksgiving, very fitting, she is such a blessing. This week she was my little nurse, taking my temp and making me cocoa and feeding me suckers for my throat, despite all the work she needed to do. She is so strong and beautiful, caring and funny, I cannot wait to celebrate her eleventh birthday (my favorite number) on Thanksgiving day. She also gave me the best career after my career (Mama)...

I am also grateful for our pets who make us smile and laugh and keep Jade company on the rare day their are not other kids here.

I am grateful for our extended family (especially my sisters', brothers', Parents' and Jade's cousins') because I will always be part of a girl group because of my three sisters, because Jade will always have them come what may and because my Mom always has time to listen and is positive and my Dad always makes me laugh, is always upbeat, and makes me feel safe and important. I also love it when they all need me.

I am grateful to my girlfriends always Heidi, April, Michelle, Lisa, Meegz, Trina and my girls' at Mountainview Cindy, Nicole, Jill, Myndee, MaryJane, Kath, Kath, Kristie, Tibby, Tracy.

I am very grateful to be an American, to vote and affect change, to have access to excellent medical care, to be blessed financially even though I am very expensive.

I am grateful to be blessed with strength, courage, resiliance and optimism.

I am grateful for my beautiful, spacious home even though it is the worst floor plan for someone like me. I am grateful to have raised Jade in such a place with beautiful views, fresh mountain air (most days) a room for Miss Jade, a scrapbook studio, my pretty bedroom with it's bay window that looks out on the golf course (if I would remember to pull the blinds), my little, cozy, bathrooms' and my kitchen we have family dinners in (they are soooo important). My family room filled with Jade's barbie's and friends', and April Ward two houses up, Kenz is Jade's age and she is GREAT, the salt of the earth. I have learned a lot from her.

I am grateful for nature, especially here in Utah. It is always beautiful here no matter the season and is always uplifting.

I am grateful for my education, I use it every day.

I am grateful for my desire to be creative, never said I was good, he, he.

I am grateful for my opportunities to do service, volunteer, do fun things like our upcoming Christmas trip to Disneyland from Dar's parents.

I am grateful for our friendly little community. It is so fun to be greeted at the grocery, blockbuster, tennis club, etc.

I am grateful to live in these times of craziness, if it were twenty years ago even twenty years ago I wouldn't be here. And I am getting better, Amazing Grace. I am grateful Jade will be fine.

I am grateful for my little german engineered Jetta in the garage, turned down the suv Dar wanted to buy me in the spring...but now that gas is going down...hmm. Most people in this world save their whole lives to buy one car, ya we are spoiled.

I am grateful for laughter! Wow, Tina Fey as Palin though I hate to admit it makes me laugh every time I think about it!

I am grateful for blu-ray technology and my hd flatscreen. I am sorry, this is shallow, but I Loooove Movies and adventure and it really is like being there it is so clear and realistic. Plus I love when extra info pops up about History or the World when we watch National Treasure or Nim's Island.

I am Grateful for the Priesthood and Blessings for my family and I. This includes our current great Bishoprick and my doctor's that share my faith, that has made a big difference. I am grateful for exercise, it makes me feel the best out of all the medicines. I swear I will make it to church soon.

I am grateful for every calling I ever had that allowed me to work with the great kids in our ward. I adore them! I have been Primary Teacher several times, Nursery Leader with Dar (precious), Activity Day Leader (oh my girls, I miss you!) and Young Women's President, Wow, that was Awesome! I have always been most inspired around our kids.

I am most grateful for the Gospel. Without which none of the above would be remotely possible and my little life in Layton never would have happened. It's a wonderful, challenging, heartbreaking, awesome life to live.

Thanks, Jude

Thursday, October 30, 2008


Witches Night Out, Family Party & Boo, Hoo, We didn't get boo'd! Oh My Dear Goodness! As Jade would say...

Here I sit blogging surrounded by little objects of love from family members and friends who know I love Halloween. (Not a big fan of the scary stuff, just the family and friend stuff) And yet it still stings that up and down my street in every one of my ward member's window's is a boo sign to let everyone know they have already been boo'd (Except for us). I knew I should have been the one to start the boo thing this year (He, He)! The signs are all over the neighborhood too, everyone I know and love has been boo'd. Boy, I need some cheese to go with this whine:} Trust me, I know these girls love me, they are awesome! But where have I gone wrong, we are a prominant family at the school and I always took for granted we would be in our ward. I have always been blessed to be well liked (despite my many flaws) Highschool was the first time this was pointed out to me and boy was I surprized to be voted this and that. I still did not know I was considered popular until my senior year when I made Senior Standouts. I am in close touch with all my friends from then, three are bishops. At my recent class reunion I was given an award and our class president, my good friend, got teary eyed when he talked about my health struggle to our class. I also enjoy close, great friends at Jade's elementary school and have served on the PTA board several times. I was invited and once participated on the Layton Community Action Council, and we have the dearest, most amazing best friends in the ward (The Christensens) So why can't I let it go that except for Heidi, Megan, Janean, Candace and Mandy I am not (in the loop) so to speak. Why is it so important that we be boo'd. Well, maybe it's because my daughter asks why, my dogs name is boo for heaven's sakes. Isn't that a big clue? I am sorry but we are sooo darling (he, he, tongue in cheek) and very faithful, active members. You get what you give so obviously I am not doing enough in this neighborhood and that stings too. I better get with it, because Jade deserves to know her family is well liked and thought of in her ward. It will strengthen her testimony, teach her to love her ward family, to serve and be served with graciousness. That is another thing, I need to accept service more graciously. I haven't let my ward family (except for poor Heid, who does a lot) do much for me. And I need to do a lot more for others too. This is a great wake up call. And if anyone out there has felt the same way let me know and we will make a bigger effort together, and make sure everyone in this ward feels loved and gets boo'd for pete's sake :} Happy Halloween everybody, I love ya tons, and be prepared for a different sister Marchant from now on.

Witches Night Out, Cackle, Cackle, Cackle

Boy did we have fun! Our big sister Kelley surprized us with a Limosine to take us to Witches Night Out at Gardner Village. She dressed as Glinda the good witch and every little witch and some big ones had to have their picture taken with her. We cackled, we shopped the amazing bargains, we danced to monster mash and gave each other little presents before we left. I made bracelets, Kel gave us black licorice (actually carmelly) candy apples, yummy! We took pictures by the limo and the witches around us smiled as we cackled our way out of the limo. I made some friends when I had to stay inside from the night air and the manager at anastasia's attic wants me to bring bracelets to buy for their shop, boy was I surprized. Our three little witch cousins also had a great time at home carving pumpkins and telling each other not so spooky ghost stories, Jade was so happy telling me about it on the ride home. I even found a great frame with a great saying for Dar's parents for Christmas, can't wait until next year!

Family Halloween Party!

My sister Kel goes all out for our family halloween party at her beautiful home in Murray. She helped raise me ( I lived with her in high school to help her with her kids) too so I try to make something fun for her each year on Halloween. One year I made a Halloween stocking, stuffed and shaped like a witches boot. This year I made her a "Queen of Halloween" witches hat with a tiara, lights, candy and bubble gum on the brim. It sat on a plate and underneath hid a bag of chocolates. We won the pumpkin carving contest, and the cousins had a blast playing with the toddler cousins. There are seven of us, I am so grateful to my Mom for giving us each other. She was an only child and always tells us to cherish each other. I love my siblings, my baby neices and nephews, my older nephews and the ones in between. I really love my sisters-in-law. They are all great gals. It is soo great to have family and get together like this, we are truly blessed.

Friday, October 10, 2008


Finally, I am blogging again! Ya, I was starting to get actual threats from my blog buddies, he,he! So, obviously Jade has started school and it's pretty great! This pic was taken by Jade's and my good friend Jill Chambers when Jade was in her kindergarten class. As for this year, I shamelessly adore her teacher Nicole Marchant. What can I say, she is organized, talented, creative, inspiring, fair and strict in a good way, warm and caring and stylish. I just love her darling classroom and outfits. Oh and we clicked like Jill Chambers and I did in kindergarten. Each of Jade's teachers have my utmost respect and love. Yes, I have loved each of them, Jill of course with her angel's patience, smiles and ever present camera. Sunny who adored Jade and my DH as he took over my great voluteer spot doing centers for the whole year when I took a new part time position. Jade jumped two and a half grade levels in reading and at teacher conference she said keep up the good work, there was nothing negative. Mrs. Larsen was very kind and assured me Jade had to be in Spectrum or be bored. Myndee asked me to be on the Spectrum Board as classroom coordinator and was very patient when I got very ill, had to drop out to do chemo and helped me keep Jade on track and active in third grade, Jade was the spider queen in their opera. We became great friends too! Mary Jane and Kath challenged Jade to the max and cheered our little family on and always told me how good she is, and again, lots of patience, thanks guys! And now, Nicole. We are only into the second month of school (really) and already Jade has blossomed! She has organized her binder with tabs and page protectors and is handling the work load well. I credit Nicole's calm, organized classroom. Nicole has helped us avert friend problems, Jade's been sick twice (lying right by me now), and helped me see Jade's place in student council is fine. (No, Jade is not getting everything she wants, which is how we like it) So ya, Nicole, maybe you are not the quintesential wife but you are an amazing mom, teacher and human being. No wonder your DH loves you, it will be just fine. And now I know so will Jade, thanks to you all. It gives a mom with a cheery but risky future feel safe and secure. Cute teacher outfit, $50, cute classroom that's inspirational $probably a few hundred, extra school supplies $100, warm smile 0$ (except cute lipstick $8) = Having your child in the classroom of an outstanding gifted teacher, Priceless. Thanks, Nicole , I know it is going to be a great year!

Friday, August 22, 2008

Last summer blast and missing Jade already

It has been a Great Summer ! We just got back from visiting the Grand Canyon with Jade and a her cousin Ashley, who is a great, easy kid. I hiked just about everything "ouch" and the girls had a blast in their matching pink bandanas. We were in heaven, I remember thinking as I watched the full moon, the canyon and the lightening storm while the girls giggled nearby, it can't get better than this. It had been a looooong time since I felt that good though I make an effort to be happy most of the time. We had dinner in the beautiful lodge restaurant at sunset and Dar was grinning ear to ear. He really needed this break! We stayed at our ranch a couple hours away in the new home our parents built for us kids when we visit. it's plenty big for us and friends but still cannot imagine having that kind of money so it is quite a blessing. We watched phelps win his eighth gold medal in our new living room, spent time with my parents and cousins and everyone went on Dad's pontoon boat and rode tubes behind it. My mom liked my new fossil sunglasses I got for dirt cheap so I gave them to her, I only have one mom after all. For several days before Jade was in a lot of pain with a new tooth and after four appointments and seven opinions and me hunting down through primary children's hospital, the best pediatric dentist Jade had her first root canal. I had to hear the word Rare for the third time in our lives, what are the odds? I burst into tears thinking Jade had autoimmune disease because mine also started in my teeth. It turns out it SHOULD be unrelated, she has a tooth within a tooth and no roots. It is right up front, if she loses it she loses the bone and she has a lot of difficult procedures ahead of her including an implant and moving teeth and they cannot do the implant til she is twenty. I need to be here to help her. She was a trooper until it was over and then she collapsed in my arms and I picked her up. I don't know where I got the strength to hold her but I did not even lose my breath, tender mercy. I took her home, she finally got an appetite and then she slowly started acting like herself again. We hurried and packed thinking the trip was cancelled til then and left the next morning. We went home through zion's nearby and we took the kids to big rock candy mountain. Last night I peeked at Jade sleeping, we never made it to more swimming lessons but we had a great summer. I cried again. I will lose her on Monday. Even after school she will be in her own world of friends, homework, tennis, insecurities about fifth grade politics and her boo bear. Once in a while she will seek me out and tell me she misses me a lot and I will get to see her for an hour or two. She is my best girl friend in the world but she has her own life and that is how it is supposed to be, so I better quit blogging because today is a gift, that is why they call it the present, and Monday will come all too soon.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Many Blessings in Our Family! New Baby, A Wedding, Sister's Night Out

Wow! It has been a big month for our family! My brother Jeff and his wife Rhiannon just welcomed Zari into their lives! She is so cute. Dar has to send the pics to me from his blackberry. We had a big family bar-b-que at their new home in the Avenues, Jeff can really cook. We brought a Pie from Marie Calendar's, Yum, can life get any better?

My Sister Laura and Paul got married yesterday on Catalina Island. I am so happy for her! I knew he was it from the minute I met him. We had a girl's night before she left a Bucca Di Beppo with our other sisters. Laur wore a tiara-veil I made her and Kel arrived in her new Lexis red hard top convertible with the license plate fast-pas. That is so Kel she loves Disney like me. I brought party favors. It was national sister day so I made them books and found Wicked flip flops for us all. Kel bought us tickets for April in Salt Lake. It will be fun to see it again.

Girls Night Out

We will now be having a monthly girl's night out and I didn't even have to bring it up. Kel is hosting first.

Our Vinyl Fence is finished! It only took us a dozen years in our home. Wow, I cannot believe it.

We sold the trooper, that is how I got sick today. At nine the guy showed up and I climbed in it one more time. The dust hit my lungs and it has been a rough day. I will be more careful. KSL.COM is AWESOME!

Fair Time, oh ya, bring it on Davis Scrappers!

Jade and I entered our scrapbooks and jewelry in the fair again. We did not enter our sewing projects, because I am sick today and Dar had to carry everything so I thought I would give the guy a break. I entered a pop-up Disney scrapbook. Jade came home so excited that they liked it so much (the ladies that take the entries) she thought I was nuts at first and hid the pop up photo album I planned to convert, oh brother. She said in shock, "Mom, they thought it was sooo cute, it really is Mom, I am glad you didn't listen to me." Jade's Scrapbook is titled "My Wonderful Childhood" I was glad she still thinks that, it isn't very easy having a sick Mom. The bracelet she entered was remade by the bead shop and is on display at Treasure Beads. It is pretty cute. Dar was sooo nice to take everything and put up with the mess I made in my new studio and go without home made dinners all week while we finished up! Thanks, Honey!

My Day Tripper Post didn't work, Dang ! Quick Update

Quick Update, really! Ok I have to redo the Daytripper post but we have been to Park City, Bear Lake, Eagle Mountain City, Provo-Sundance, Antelope Island, Tracy Aviary, Utah's Ghost Towns. Tons of fun, gas was worth it! Jade went to Day Camp and loved it. We leave with my parents for the Grand Canyon next Wednesday!

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Jade's First Fish!

Jade Colleen Marchant whose ancestors were mighty fisherman in the streams and rivers surrounding peoa finally caught her first fish no where near there as we were hiking and testing the waters at Mirror Lake, in "The Uinta's" our favorite summer outdoor place to be! Her mom of course was finally exhausted, collapsed in the car and was no where near the scene for the only time since Jade learned to hold the rod and that is the time mother nature picked to knight Jade with her first fish! Dad was on hand to see the spectacle, capture the moment and capture the glory on film! No Fair! The first thing she shouted though was "Mom" and I heard her so all was not lost. The fish had been released, contrary to my specific instructions to keep it long enough for me to see it so I did what I always do in these situations I started to tear up. I quickly realized though, I was ruining the moment, so I wiped my eyes and congratulated the little sprite! Way to go Jade! It's about time!!! In other, less important news yet it also made us very happy, Jude hiked the 2.5 miles around Mirror Lake earlier that day in good time. Dar and Jade plan to award Jude with the "Mom made it around Mirror Lake Medal or MMAMLM!

We had a great fourth the days before with old fashioned games of badmitten a puzzle a flag cake a trip to get snow cones hot dogs grilled for lunch and a traditional movie during the hottest part of the day! We went to see Hancock, Jade and I love Will Smith and it was a pretty cute show over all albeit a little strange. We then had italian for dinner at Fizoli's "I ask, what is more American" and took Boo to the fireworks. It was great to see Jade happily playing with Boo instead of missing her cousins or watching other siblings and wishing she had some.
In still other news The Marchant Girls now have a studio! I went on to my friend Megan's site to see what was up and I noticed under her "currently stalking" that she had a link for crafty storage. This blog was all I needed to get motivated to finally transform our spare room into a studio. It was pretty difficult because I was determined to do it that day and everyone who could help was gone. Dar could not believe the amounts of stuff I bagged and tagged for storage and donation. In design remix they use mainly what they can grab from other places. I did this and was able to build a full wall of storage with one new Ikea cute "wall thing" one white shelf, two telephone tables with a shelf each a white wicker chest of drawers , a four drawer wicker and wood smallish storage chest my sister gave us one year and ten open square storage cubes I picked up Monday at the dollar store. On the other side is my nice desk that the shelf unit holds three fabric lined wicker baskets I took from my bedroom and on the closet door announces the name "J and J Studio" in colorful wall words I also found at the dollar store. We placed colored pencils, markers, and all our scissors in classy matching office supply metal mesh cups on top of the shelf and bought a two dollar big white J which sits above the shelf. Then on Thursday when we were in Salt Lake I picked up a five dollar funky pink desk lamp at IKEA (love that place!) for the desk. We then began to gather "our stuff" from the areas in our home we used to work and organized everything we had just sitting in boxes so bonus, the rest of the house is basically free of most clutter. There is still more to do but I am very excited about this, between the hike and being able to tackel this room signals we will be able to do what we set our minds to as a family, I am ready to ride Wicked at Lagoon, Bring it on! pics of studio up soon!

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Tagged- Thanks Heid.

Before I begin I will echo my friend Megan's sentiments when I say sometimes we are not permitted to know why. Today I was at Barnes & Noble picking up a book I had ordered and trying to be patient because my little family was home on our sectional, cuddled up together watching t.v. our trip to the Uinta's postponed til tomorrow, when, I got terrible news. A young Mom in our ward has been diagnosed with a rare form of breast cancer. My heart aches for her and the battle she has ahead. I know what some of her thoughts are, I've been there. My lung fibrosis is rare and aggressive. I lost 70% of my lung capacity in just a few months. I am currently taking a powerful chemotherapy six pills a day to stave it off. But it's working, I have lung transplant to fall back on and I know that my prayer's and that of my family, friends and even Doctor's have a lot to do with it. So, please pray for her, she has three little kids, a young husband and a lot to do still.

Ten Years Ago- 1998
Jade was six months old. She said WoW as her first word, she was doing stuff 18 month olds were doing. We had these cards of animals. We would line them up three at a time and she would point out the cow the bird, she loved mary poppins and said mommy when she saw Lara Croft on the computer. She could do puzzles. Heid and I took our kids to the park in strollers together. I discovered scrapbooking, Dar still worked for AT&T. I still drove my mx6, I was planning a trip to Canada the next month, one of our homes away from home.

Five Years Ago- One of the sweetest times of my life. Jade was five. About to start kindergarten. We went to Lagoon every Wednesday we could with our passes. I worked part time at David's Bridal. We went to Mesa Verde on Vacation, we had a great time.

Five Months Ago- We were about to go to Disneyworld. I was still in grief that had finally come over the change my lungs had brought to our lives. Dar and Jade went Skiing and Snowboarding without me, a very tough time. Disneyworld was great for the most part. I turned 39. Things were about to get much better. I came home and prayed I could go without o2 like I had in Florida. My prayer was answered. Miracles do happen.

Five Bad Habits- I need to think before I talk. I resist change. I can be impulsive. I procrastinate. I am sometimes too optimistic.

Five Places I have lived -

Salt Lake East Bench
Denver, Colorado
Phoeniz, Arizona
Central California
Salt Lake West Side

Five things People don't know about Me-

I was nominated five different times for homecoming queen
I am considering getting my master's degree
Last July I was very near death, I live on chemotherapy, miracles do happen
I really, really love my family too much, did I jinx myself?
I can sew, I just made a handbag while my daughter sewed a dress.

Monday, June 9, 2008


What a whirlwind of a first week out of school. Ya, and I managed to be sick with some kind of virus that knocked me flat (in between keeping all of our plans) no wonder I could not move this weekend, my body was done! Here is a quick list of what we did and a real post with pics will follow.

Saturday- My sister in-law's Baby shower she got 12 baby swimsuits, one from us, they are doing a calendar. Rhiannon will not tell what they are going to name her, darn!

Monday- Jade's first day off, went to explore Bountiful, went beading( we made necklaces!), bought stuff to teach our selves to knit. Does anybody know? We don't get it. Made Dar's favorite sourcream enchilada's got in a fight with a DI employee over princess parking. Well not really a fight but this girl was something else, she does not understand cute moms that look perfectly healthy (me) really do need princess parking! Watched the Bachelor on VH1 with Jade, we laughed and laughed!

Tuesday- Jade's first piano recital! She did awesome! Mand, I can't wait til you teach Jade a new song! I woke up to Jade in my face with the cell phone playing the snake dance. I felt awful, I still made a cake for Jade's recital. I made musical notes with kit kat pieces and chocolate kisses! Dar's parents came by, my Parent's and Sister and her fiance came to the recital, thanks guys! Jade chose Golden Corrall (sp?) for dinner. They had to make my plate, I was done.

Wednesday- Jade and I zenning at the mall. I had really been looking forward to this, we went to the summer clearance at the bath store. They had yummy stuff for two bucks. I sat on the floor while Jade looked at earrings at clairs. We had a blast.

Thursday- Just shoot me, I feel horrible. Jade and I watched our favorite show for hours, Jon and Kate plus eight. I do not remember much else except Jade on the phone with her friends trying to make plans for the next day to see Kung Fu Panda, how am I going to do this I thought?

Friday- Kung Fu Panda started. I bought tickets on Fandango and picked up three kids and a little sister. I seriously thought I was going to faint at the movie, I cried before we had to leave. What was I thinking? The movie could have waited. I managed to somewhat enjoy it. I talked Sawyer through putting gas in my car and when we got home I collapsed on the couch and Jade ran around getting me a blanket a drink and meds.

Saturday- Jade had her first paying babysitting job for her aunt jenn my sister who lives in Bountiful so we had a date in Bountiful (we did not realize she would be engaged for seven hours) we went a great nursery, J&L, Dar took me to paradise cafe for this great mexican tomato soup, we found our outdoor furniture at target! Yay! we had been looking everywhere. Wrapped up the day at Barnes & Noble. Jade was exhausted and so proud. Poor girl, she was very concerned with safety and her two baby boy cousins ran her ragged and spoiled her with kisses. My sis gave her twenty dollars and asked for her every saturday, thanks Jenn Jenn for giving her that opportunity I feel blessed that you are so close.

Sunday- I did not move. LOL which really bites because I really really really wanted to go to church and managed to guilt trip Jade into going even though she was tired too. That girl's conscience would not let her stay home, I was soooo happy, she will be alright I think as she gets older. Dar cleaned our bedroom up a little and said he was not speaking to me, LOL was it the shoes I bought or the mess on the floor on my side of the bed, Dar you are sooo great, thanks honey. He came down and chided Jade and I for watching more Jon and Kate in our jams and not moving. It did not phase me, I had a big week. He said he was worried I was so weak. I knew I had just had enough.

Today- Dar took Jade on a Daddy Daughter Date to Lagoon since Uintas are still closed. They are still not home. Jade had this thing about me having a spa day she even called me five minutes after she left to remind me Aveda grassroots spa was just across the street. Daughter's are great, huh. I kept my appointment with Massage Envy at one. It was nice but I could not wait to get to Ikea where I planned Jade's bedroom makeover and walked out empty handed, a first for me! Must have been the massage bill. I stopped quickly at Nordstrom Rack on thirteenth and then took fifteenth to my school. I love going to the U. So many memories and it inspires me to reach my goals. Megan I swear I did not read your blog til I got home. Can you believe we both love college campuses. I went to the bookstore and bought a u of u pen for dar for his birthday and some notebooks with the u insignia and remembered picking up my cap and gown there. I am so glad I graduated. I went to the u library and sat and wrote a letter to Dar in his notebook then wrote some goals in mine and being there alone I felt twenty two again! I remembered studying with Dar the year we were at the u together. Okay now I want to go back to the college days just for a day. Wow, my family just got home, and today I finally feel like a human again. Well that was our week, I think it is going to be a great summer!

Friday, May 23, 2008

Can't We Go Back to 1999 and Do it All Over Again?

I asked my Husband this question the other day. He responded, you would go through it all again? Yep! Of course challenges and all, these have been the best years of my life. Don't get me wrong, I love our life now, Jade is even more fun than ever, but I would love to do it all over again just one more time, then go forward from here. This is a Snapshot of what life looked like then... When I think of 1999 one of the first things that comes to mind is Mary Poppins and Tarzan and the Movie Dinosaur. Not quite yet two year old Jade would announce "she'll come back" as Mary flew away with her par-a-sol. We played Tombraider on our computer and Jade would point at the girl and say "mommy" Thanks Jade, and Myst was another favorite after Jader fell asleep. I could run pretty well and I still drove my mazda mx6. I went to my sister's home in south Jordan once a week for play dates and I taught the four year olds in primary. Christy Parker still lived in our ward, gosh I miss that girl! I remember going to mcdonald's a lot just so Jade the gravity defier could be the tiniest thing booking it around the playplace. I spent a fortune on binkies and did not care, I loved those things, they seemed to solve any problem we had! I had heard of autoimmune disease but that was about it and we were starting to talk about the next child. We were going to have three maybe four. I was a frequent shopper at kid to kid and it was a delight to Jade to pick a toy at the dollar store. Scrapbooking was new to me and my friends and I did all nighters faithfully for the next two years. I had one purse. I had not seen a dvd yet. I did not own a cell phone. I took all the girls in my family to Disneyland with the last of my $10,000 my company gave me when I retired from my marketing and advertising career. My mom was thrilled. The next few years brought many challenges and happy experiences and I would do it all again. Life with Dar and Jade has been the sweetest experience of my life. Maybe my fear of the future I never seemed to have before has something to do with it. Jade is going to go to young women's, date, drive, and graduate from highschool all possible in the next six years. In the next six years I could be on the waiting list for lungs (well at least I will be able to run again) and we may not even live here in my dear sweet home where all of this took place. Dar thinks I need a rambler. It is going to be a roller coaster ride I'll bet, and I am excited so bring it on but let me relish this time that my little girl is still little and I still haven't been to Paris. I love that because I haven't seen it all. I am still young they love to tell me at the U Hospital. I think I will play Barbie's with Jade when she gets home from her friends and watch King of Queens with Dar because it is soooo us! I will leave flowers for my baby Autumn this memorial day weekend, who waits for us. There is a saying "The good old days are gone forever, but, these are the good old days". I hope everyone enjoys this weekend with their families, Jude

Monday, May 19, 2008

Still Dating After All These Years - What a Guy!

The Text on my cellphone read,
I have taken Wednesday off, why don't we take Frontrunner downtown and go to lunch at Typhoon at the Gateway and maybe catch a movie! Needless to say I was thrilled and so off we went! This was a couple weeks ago but I just got the photos from Dar. We had a great time. I felt like the last person on the planet that hadn't been to Typhoon and I have a thing for trains. We were some of the first to ride the Front Runner which I will probably tell my grandkids and the day just seemed to be for us. I ordered firecracker chicken and Dar ordered Thai Filet something and we ended up trading dishes. A first for us. I took my new bag and it was free icecream day at Ben and Jerry's. At one we decided to live dangerously and sneek in a movie before we had to get back to Jade coming home from school and saw the film about the Harvard students that count cards, the moral is nothing worthwhile ever comes easy. We just missed the train heading back and then the next train was delayed and then they switched trains but we had a great time and Jade held down the fort like a pro as we did not arrive home until six p.m.
I was exhausted but she was so good I let her have an impromptu trampoline pizza party with two of her friends and then quickly regretted it. It was great though, definitely one of my favorite things is holding my husband's hand in the movie theater and still discovering new places with him!
As long as I am on the subject he really is great! He cleans for me, does most of the laundry, lays out my jammies, puts up with my bag fetish and is a great Dad! He is very involved in Jade's school work, he knows all her friends and used to babysit them all day one summer. He also knows the boys that are calling, plays tennis with her, takes her on adventure's, even a trip to Moab when I went to see Wicked in LA. On the weekends he makes breakfast and brings it to us in bed. He picks up scrips for me when I get tired of doing it and he is the one to tell me just go back to bed and sleep when I haven't slept the night before, "it's not like you have a toddler" our only consolation to losing Autumn. He thinks I am beautiful, I think he is blind, and he is fun to be with. When I explain I have to go to the school to volunteer, he crosses his fingers hoping I won't catch anything and he compliments me when I do something new with the house. He really like my new iron "star" collection like rodworks and he teases in a very cute way about my interests in girl stuff. Just yesterday he used a british accent to announce the latest royal wedding.
He likes to make me laugh by putting funny pictures on my laptop background. We are both Democrats in Utah. One night I told friend's it would be great to get Hillary because we would get Bill back and when there was an awkward silence Dar piped up, I agree with Judy! I was proud of him for backing me up and being brave about our political views (we would probably vote for Obama). This past weekend we all happily went flower shopping and Dar planted them for me as I feebly pointed where they should go. I was really weak this weekend and it was a triumph to plant a big pot of flowers and start a roast on Sunday when all my friends were running marathons. But you wouldn't know it. We are doing great thanks to my Husband's great attitude, and gratitude.
Oh ya and He loves my Mom and Dad and always attends stuff for them or brings up visiting them. Thanks honey for being super cool! Love Jude

Monday, May 12, 2008

Oh, What Fun We Had!

Oh Mama Mia Mizethra! We have been fortunate enough to have many Wonderful life experiences and some have involved food. I have eaten abalone as a six year old with my Dad on Catalina Island, Enjoyed authentic Jumbalia and benets in New Orleans with my husband Darren at 27 to celebrate building the home we thought we could not get and still love! I sheepishly sampled Frog Legs in an Old Southern Restaurant complete with fireflys outside in Nashville on a business trip during my marketing career at 25, Feasted on a hospital Thanksgiving Dinner when I had Jade on the same day at 28, Savored fresh steaks on a visit to Houston during college at 22 , Devoured Cheesecake at the first Cheesecake Factory in Chicago, spooned Chowder in San Francisco many times (our favorite city to visit)2o,24,27,35 and loved vinegar on fries in Vancouver, Canada at 24. We first experienced Poi on our Honeymoon in Maui at a great Luau, and discovered a thing called a Gyro in Toledo, Ohio he, he, when I was there for a debate camp at 17. I decided Pralines were the perfect taste in a green salad at the Blue Bayou inside Disneyland's Pirates of the Carribbean and Sampled Salmon on a beautiful Cruise Ship in Alaska. I will never forget our Favorite Mexican Restaurants in Phoenix with our Nana, all the food was great! Or the Bar B Que We enjoyed in Jackson Hole and Durango, Colorado. Tiramasu was a new thing for me in Seattle at 24 and I remember the yummy chicken I made with my boyfriend's mom in a dutch oven at their ranch in Idaho . I have even had cheese in Wisconsin on a business trip and finally, I have had Pasta with Princesses at Disneyland. But nothing, nothing, nothing, can compare to eating Mizethra Cheese and Meat Sauce on Spaghetti right in my home town of Salt Lake City with my family this past weekend. The occassion was Mother's Day Eve and just recently sunk in that Our little family will go on with me included and we are OK for all the TRAMA and DRAMA we have been through. We sat in the Trolley, received flowers and laughed our heads off at twilight in the Jetta on the way to Sugarhouse Theaters while I tried to check the listings with 1-800free411 to no avail. I got Enterprise, Utah and several other strange listings and listened as Dar and Jade rolled with laughter as I slowly pronounced S-U-G-A-R-H-O-O-O-U-S-E into Dar's Blackberry like thing! Boy, did we have fun! We opted not to do the show, we were having too much fun talking and laughing and Dar treated us to a quick trip to Nordstrom Rack where I found a pretty silver and amethyst ring for under ten bucks in ten minutes. We drove down our familiar route to the University for both of us and took the route through downtown on the way home. It was just one of those times when life feels really, really, sweet and you are glad to be there! Oh and you won't see me apologizing for long blogs, they are for us and our prosterity and everyone who wants to listen and doesn't mind!

Friday, May 9, 2008

A tribute to more of my Gal Pals in Honor of Mother's Day!

Jade--Yes, I am her Mom first but I love having a Daughter to make fun of celebrities with, shoe shop with and do girlstuff like scrapbooking ,sewing,baking andGardening. Every year on Mother's Day Weekend we go to the nursury to pick out our flats of pansies and petunia's, I love it. It was she that I wanted when I had to have an invasive heart test done, usually I want my husband but that time I would have given anything just to hold her still tiny hand in mine. She has the best sense of humor and she is really fun to tell stories to. It's the best and one of the consolations that she is no longer three, or five or even eight. My girl is growing up way too fast. She makes a big deal about Mother's day too! She picks the gift weeks in advance and pays for it herself and drags my husband to wherever it is she is getting it. It is really fun! This is a pic of us at the Davis Fair last summer with our winning scrapbook entries. Oh ya and she makes a mean cup of Herbal Sleepy Time Tea! Love you Jade! Mom
Jenn Jenn-- My little sis was the most constant visitor when I went through chemo, she has told me several times how she looks up to me (although I am not sure why) recently she popped in unanounced with a bracelet from Brighton. It is one of my favorite things but seeing her smile and how excited she was was the best gift! She and my other sisters also surprized me and paid for my expenses when we went to see Wicked in LA last spring. She held my hand during the significant parts. I just love having sisters! Especially you Jenn Jenn!
Kel Kel-- K by now you have figured out we still use the names we used for each other when we were little it sounds cheesy to those around us but oh well. It goes like this... Kel Kel, Ju Ju, La La, Davey, Jeffy, Jenn Jenn, Tommy, Any way back to Kel. I have been awe of my big sister for as long as I can remember. Her home and her personal style are truly impeccable and she is a ton of fun. Her tastefully decorated Halloween House was featured on the channel five's morning news complete with interview. Then, she throws a party for all of us with tons of food, games and surprizes. This last years party was all pirate and the gift bag included fun stuff from disneyland. I was Kel's nanny during highschool but I still cannot believe she did so much for me. I always had cute clothes to wear and a lot of support. It was she that noticed Darren's qualities first. She has practically furnished my entire home, one time showing up unannounced with a beautiful curio cabinet but most of all I love just being around her and soaking up her positive energy.
Michelle- is my good friend from Highschool. She was my best friend actually and we have a lot of great memories. Over the years since then she has kept our group in touch and recently she called me on a particular difficult day and told me I was going to see her holistic doctor and then she paid for it. We listen to each other vent and support each other but she has always gone above and beyond and I am so grateful she is my friend!
Jeanne and Nacole- are my "talk scrapbooking and medicine" gal pals, my quality of life literally would not be what it is today without Jeanne and Nacole and I shared each other's agony for several years while we waited for babies. She called me in San Francisco when I lost Autumn and brought Angel statuettes to me recently. Then one day I realized we were not in the same boat that I had Jade and was so Blessed. I started praying harder for her and gave her both glow in the dark binkies I was saving in my drawer for us when we adopted twins, he, he,. Last fall her dream came true and she adopted a beautiful baby girl. She has helped me make sure Jade is ok and happy. She is a Great Friend.
April- how many times have you taken Jade to school in the snow or not, baby sat her, invited us up to roast marshmallows, helped me with my last day of school water party and let me pretend Easton and Kenz are my kids too. Oh ya and on the worst storm this past winter you hiked to the bottom of the hill get my car and lectured me about getting a car cell phone charger so I could call you. My phone was dead. You are a great friend girl, love ya!
Jamie- Thanks for all the times you entertained Jade since they were five and rearranged the plans for Sawyer's party because Jade was hungry. We have shared our desire to adopt internationally and you've made sure Sawyer takes care of Jade at school and because of him she will always have a friend. I love it when you let me know about sales you've heard about and I love that we don't even plan our kids parties who were born exactly one week apart until we have consulted each other. I love that I can always trust Jade with Sawyer even now that they are getting older because you are such a good mom!
Heather- we started out just quickly chatting when I would come in to Blockbuster and then we realized we have two mutual friends. Now you are getting Married and that is soo cool. Thanks for noticing when I haven't made it in and being so great about the recent past status of our account. Did I really keep love story that long. Anyway, you are one of those people that make me want to be a better person. I am so happy for you and cannot wait til you're a mom!
Trina- You are also one of those girls that is calm and always seems to have it together! I am super glad Connor and Jade have been in primary together, thanks for the cookies when I was sick and thanks running stuff to the school for me and watching Jade at the skating rink. When you told me how good she was and what a great mom I was it meant the world. I love to see what Capri is doing now because she and Autumn would have been almost exactly the same age. It was you who helped me be brave and get a cat too! Love ya Trin.
Mandy and Rachel- Mandy Jade just love's coming to your home for piano and to see the girls. I never have to nag her you have got her so motivated and you are such a cute visiting teacher! Rachel, thanks for all the things you thought were little but meant a great deal to me!
Megan- You are sooo cool! I am proud of you for training for this marathon and for all your other endeavers. Thanks for keeping me up to date with our visiting teaching and doing it for us for practically a year alone. Now that we are both blogging I see even more similarities between us and wonder why we are not closer. Hmmmm we need to work on that! Happy Mother's day!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Every Girl Should Have One!

This is my BFF Heidi Christensen. She is a great friend! We met when I called her as my Secretary for our brand new split ward's" Sunhills" Young Women's Presidency. Heidi really is pretty much a sister to me now and our kids are practically cousins, which is fine with me. Our husbands are friends too and Brent has been Jade's Nursery leader, babysitter when Heid wasn't available and my car fix-it guy when Dar is far away in Salt Lake. This is a pic of us taken last summer when I was very ill but in good spirits. I was on o2 all the time and in bed a lot but all was well. Heidi bought a big pool for the kids and a WII system and Lagoon Passes and that was Jade's summer. I would give orders to Heid like, don't forget sunscreen, make sure she eats and Heid took it all in stride! We had a blast serving in the Young Women's Presidency and did a good job so we are both perplexed the Lord has not put us back there together, he, he. We are in touch with many of our girls from that time and sadly she called me this morning to let me know one of them had just passed away. Heidi has always been there since I have lived here. When Jade was born she brought the first dinner, an outfit and a "new" product, hand sanitizer. When Jade was two I was diaganosed with Auto Immune Disorder and had to go to the hospital. That morning she took Jade, fed her , bathed her and french braided her hair and called me that night to make sure I liked it. The day I learned the disease had gone into my lungs she said come over Jude. There she was, researching on the net, calling nurses she knew and made one of my favorites, seven layer dip. As I sat receiving chemotherapy she was texting me and sending pictures of Jade happily doing her homework. We laughed at funny movies when I was stuck in bed at Christmastime after that. Heid has helped me with about everyone of Jade's birthday parties including writing a very clever treasure clue game for Jade's pirate luau birthday and she went with me to pick up 25 bags of live goldfish for her enchantment under the sea birthday! Now that's friendship. One night recently she called me to treat us to burgers at Chili's and after we went shopping at the new Ross in Layton. I wanted a patent leather purse, well I said though, I don't have the shoes for it. Yes you do Jude they are right in your hand (I hadn't planned on getting both) we giggled and ended up splurging a bit. It was Heid I was with to go out to lunch for the first time with oxygen on, acting like nothing was different and convincing me it was no big deal socially. We have bought barbies together, for each other and for our little girls. She was the one who told me "you know we are not going to get out of here without Poe (from teletubbies) "when one year old Jade held feircely to the toy. Our families love to get together for mexican food and I never tasted nirvana until she had me try a thing called a rainbow (icecream in red slush) Two weeks ago she helped me build my blog during finals week! When she recently started school I cried to Dar saying I would never see Heidi again. I was her cheerleader though and she found time to still do stuff together, three kids, dog, husband and all. Another thing about Heid I love is she is ALWAYS upbeat like me. Even when we freezing in the cold at four in the morning waiting for toys r us to open the day after Thanksgiving. She cracks me up and can literally make my day with her phonecalls. And, she is quick to forgive. I have yelled at her a few times and she just yelled back and we make up quickly. She has even been known to make certain treats and dinners just for me. She is a great cook! Oh ya and she was there when I was sure I could start my own scrapbook business. I love you Heid, I hope you have a very happy Mother's Day and here is to many more antics together, you and I. Love, your BFF Jude:) "keep holding on cuz you know I am here for you, what was meant to be will work out perfectly... Just Breathe, Avril Lavigne

Monday, May 5, 2008

Sisters and Girlfriends and Nieces and Moms and Grandmas and Daughters ...This Week's Blogs are dedicated to you!

This is My Sister Laura in her backyard in Sandy. She and I are Irish twins because we are only eleven months apart. We have been through it ALL together and we decided we definitely share the same brain. Last week I called her on Monday with that tone in my voice like "where have you been"? She is a Busy Gal but I can always call and she is there. She also has a great Testimony which helps a lot. Anyway, she filled me in and then I told her Jade and I would like to come down and make dinner together. I had Mother's Day gifts for her and she had some things to show me. I love my sister's spaghetti sauce and though I offered to bring everything and did she already had it simmering on her stove. We stood in her kitchen while Jade and Lauren, my neice hugged and giggled and revelled in each other's company. I gave her the Ann Taylor earrings I had bought for her on clearance in Las Vegas and then I presented her with the rest of her Mother's Day Gift. She began to chuckle," oh my gosh! We do have the same brain" I gave her the Mother's Day Barnes and Noble Tote and a set of Happy Hands Massagers I had bought two of in Vegas. She said Jude, I have the tote and I got these when I was in Vegas too but I love the earrings! We then tried to decide to which of our other two sisters to share the loot with, we still haven't decided but it was a good laugh. After dinner we went to South Town Mall with my older neice to check out a new handbag vendor as her surprise for me. They had the Coach Knockoff and Giraffe Dooney Knockoff I wanted. Laura helped me choose and waited patiently while I negotiated with the seller. I negotiate almost everything, well at least I try. Happy I followed her to Claires where she bought perfume on sale for our three girls and we talked about our Mom and the latest news in our family. We had a great time and I felt that secure feeling I always get when I am around her, I cannot remember a time when she wasn't there and it's great! So, here's to you Laura, my darling sister, Happy Mother's Day this week, I love you!

Friday, May 2, 2008

Adventures in Disney World!

Here are just a couple pics of our trip to Disney World. I bought the $125 photo CD and Lo and Behold I can't seem to upload them, where's Heid? but they are the cutest so they are on the way! We had a great time in Disney World and Dar totally spoiled his girls. It was great. When I was a little kid I had a huge desire to go there as did Jade before we went but as an adult I thought, what is the point? Why fly across the country to go to another Disneyland. Boy was I wrong. We stayed on site at a Disneyworld Hotel which was also a thrill and we got to spend a day with my brother and his family as they were in the magical kingdom the same day we were. Jade just loved cooing over her baby cousin Jett and holding Raegan's hand and teaching her the finer points of pin collecting! Best of all I got off the plane and realized I did not need any o2, it just also happened to be my birthday, what a gift! This is a pic of us in epcot where we went on the Nemo ride and toured all the beautiful country exhibits Paris was last and the pic of Jade and I in front of the Eifell Tower (sp?) did not work out. We sacrificed Europe for the 4th time so we could go as a family to Disneyworld. We highly recommend it, especially epcot and the wild kingdom where I actually got Dar to wear mouse ears, it was fantastic!

Monday, April 28, 2008

A New Normal

Wow, it's hard to believe this was just two short years ago! This is a picture from the day Jade got baptized. It was very special because her baptism fell during Christmastime. I remember my energy then. We cleaned the house from top to bottom and did extra decorations for Christmas. I remember buying the meat platter and hoping we would have enough money for the rest of the weekend. That was my biggest problem then. You know what though, we are thriving in our new, unexpected life. I can throw back several meds at once (a fete I thought I would never accomplish) and my doctor said the top of my lungs are completely clear! Yippy! Sure it is sometimes scary, I had a day like that last week, I went to see "Emma Smith, my story" and realized I am not alone in a great trial. And the blessings that have come of this are amazing! Here is are a few of them, just to name a few:

We are all closer to our Father in Heaven

We really read the scriptures each night and say our prayers

I worked part time before, now I am more available to my family

Jade is a very compassionate thoughtful little girl and more independent

Darren has been very blessed in his career

I learned to really "seize the day"

We have met many wonderful people (my Doctor's and Nurses)

It was amazing to see how much my family, friends, and neighbors love us

We got Boo, our little weiner dog!

I know one way I am supposed to use the time, temple work!

We all have stonger testimonies, especially in prayer and blessings.

Jade got involved in tennis and snowboarding.

Darren made some unlikely great friendships at work.

Jade has been blessed with great friends at school in her Spectum program

I will probably end up healthier due to a great work out program I learned at my alma mater the U of U! Thanks Guys!

One of the biggest blessings has been that our friends the Christensens have become our family away from family even more so! They have done so much for us I cannot even begin! Let's hear it for Heidi, Brent, Garrett, Parker, Mads! We love you guys!

Well, the list goes on but I must say this new path is going to be ok as long as I make it on the treadmill today!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

This is my super cute family that I love so much! Dar and I get along most of the time but truth be told we are opposites and tend to drive each other nuts on occaision. Dar is a great husband who makes many sacrifices for us and is very sweet and very funny,too bad for him his wife does not have the best sense of humor unless it is my sis Laur or my friend Heid or Will Smith, my favorite actor, it just goes right over my head. Dar loves sports his new Centro (like a blackberry) and us he is also pretty smart is the HRIS MGR at his company. Jade is more complex. She is a baby and animal lover who loves, loves, loves, to be home and with her friends. She is a great kid and I am lucky she is my little girl. And then there's me...the train wreck that tries to be a good Wife and Mom but ask me how I have survived this long, graduated from college, just celebrated my 16th wedding anniversary or manage to keep up with Jade's Spectrum Program at school and I couldn't tell ya. Just kidden, but I sometimes wonder. I am creative and emotional and I love, love, love, handbags! As a family we dig; eachother, Ghosthunters on SciFi (Hey Grant is LDS), our pets Boo and Sox, Guitar Hero (I make them turn down the bad songs) Traveling, our latest adventures have taken us to Sunny Florida (Disney World) and Las Vegas where Dar bought his Princess, me, a designer purse and we rode the Gondola at the Venetian. We also really dig our extended family and friends most notably the Christiansen's who we PLAN to go to Moab with in a few weeks. Oh ya and aside from The Gospel, My Gospel includes FAMILY DINNERS. Don't get me started! That is a post for another day. Anyway, it is time to set the table so, see ya!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Wow I am finally taking the plunge!

Hi Heid, Hi Stef, Hi Kim,Hi Megan,Hi Michelle,Hi Family:

This is it guys, what you all have been waiting for, he he, The Marchants are now bloggers!
I must thank my friends and family who have been after me to do this for the last eighteen months, I have a good excuse though as you all know I was pretty busy beating Lung Fibrosis since the summer of '06, and the battle continues! So, in that vein I will start my blog with a quote from Shakespeare (I love to quote him, just ask Dar and Jade). This quote came to mind over and over in the summer of '06 now I know why:)

"Gather Ye Rosebuds While Ye May" in other words, get down on the floor and play with your kids, eat dessert for lunch (my Dad taught me this) Kiss your sweetie and tell them how much they mean to you, better get honoring those parents, I mean really, thank them for the million little things they did, and stop what you are doing right now and appreciate what you have at the moment...

Now with that said we are a typical family about every day of the week I just happen to also be on a first name basis with some of the best pulmonary doctors in the country and our life goes on thanks to a little medicine called Cellcept and my Faith.