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Friday, May 23, 2008

Can't We Go Back to 1999 and Do it All Over Again?

I asked my Husband this question the other day. He responded, you would go through it all again? Yep! Of course challenges and all, these have been the best years of my life. Don't get me wrong, I love our life now, Jade is even more fun than ever, but I would love to do it all over again just one more time, then go forward from here. This is a Snapshot of what life looked like then... When I think of 1999 one of the first things that comes to mind is Mary Poppins and Tarzan and the Movie Dinosaur. Not quite yet two year old Jade would announce "she'll come back" as Mary flew away with her par-a-sol. We played Tombraider on our computer and Jade would point at the girl and say "mommy" Thanks Jade, and Myst was another favorite after Jader fell asleep. I could run pretty well and I still drove my mazda mx6. I went to my sister's home in south Jordan once a week for play dates and I taught the four year olds in primary. Christy Parker still lived in our ward, gosh I miss that girl! I remember going to mcdonald's a lot just so Jade the gravity defier could be the tiniest thing booking it around the playplace. I spent a fortune on binkies and did not care, I loved those things, they seemed to solve any problem we had! I had heard of autoimmune disease but that was about it and we were starting to talk about the next child. We were going to have three maybe four. I was a frequent shopper at kid to kid and it was a delight to Jade to pick a toy at the dollar store. Scrapbooking was new to me and my friends and I did all nighters faithfully for the next two years. I had one purse. I had not seen a dvd yet. I did not own a cell phone. I took all the girls in my family to Disneyland with the last of my $10,000 my company gave me when I retired from my marketing and advertising career. My mom was thrilled. The next few years brought many challenges and happy experiences and I would do it all again. Life with Dar and Jade has been the sweetest experience of my life. Maybe my fear of the future I never seemed to have before has something to do with it. Jade is going to go to young women's, date, drive, and graduate from highschool all possible in the next six years. In the next six years I could be on the waiting list for lungs (well at least I will be able to run again) and we may not even live here in my dear sweet home where all of this took place. Dar thinks I need a rambler. It is going to be a roller coaster ride I'll bet, and I am excited so bring it on but let me relish this time that my little girl is still little and I still haven't been to Paris. I love that because I haven't seen it all. I am still young they love to tell me at the U Hospital. I think I will play Barbie's with Jade when she gets home from her friends and watch King of Queens with Dar because it is soooo us! I will leave flowers for my baby Autumn this memorial day weekend, who waits for us. There is a saying "The good old days are gone forever, but, these are the good old days". I hope everyone enjoys this weekend with their families, Jude


meegz said...

You're so cute Judy!!:) I wouldn't go back to 1999 again for anything....I was WAY OVERWEIGHT and had a newborn...YIKES.:)
Sorry about almost running into you this AM -- Geez i should look behind me now and again eh??:)
How about some Visiting Teaching?? Either in the next couple of days or weeks??:) Lemme know.

~heidi said...

Hey, just think, if you went back to 1999, you could party like it was! Not that I like that song, but it was always on the radio prior to 1999. So you know what - I just looked up those lyrics - don't bother looking them up by the way - they are weird - all I knew was the party like it's 1999 - after and before that - WEIII-IRD!!!
Hey, we had fun with you guys at the movie the other day. I tried to call you this morning to see if you wanted to run some errands with me, but it went straight to you voice mail.
Anyway, talk to you later, I need to rund to the store, it is 11pm.
Have a good night if you are still up or good day if you get this tomorrow!!!