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Monday, May 12, 2008

Oh, What Fun We Had!

Oh Mama Mia Mizethra! We have been fortunate enough to have many Wonderful life experiences and some have involved food. I have eaten abalone as a six year old with my Dad on Catalina Island, Enjoyed authentic Jumbalia and benets in New Orleans with my husband Darren at 27 to celebrate building the home we thought we could not get and still love! I sheepishly sampled Frog Legs in an Old Southern Restaurant complete with fireflys outside in Nashville on a business trip during my marketing career at 25, Feasted on a hospital Thanksgiving Dinner when I had Jade on the same day at 28, Savored fresh steaks on a visit to Houston during college at 22 , Devoured Cheesecake at the first Cheesecake Factory in Chicago, spooned Chowder in San Francisco many times (our favorite city to visit)2o,24,27,35 and loved vinegar on fries in Vancouver, Canada at 24. We first experienced Poi on our Honeymoon in Maui at a great Luau, and discovered a thing called a Gyro in Toledo, Ohio he, he, when I was there for a debate camp at 17. I decided Pralines were the perfect taste in a green salad at the Blue Bayou inside Disneyland's Pirates of the Carribbean and Sampled Salmon on a beautiful Cruise Ship in Alaska. I will never forget our Favorite Mexican Restaurants in Phoenix with our Nana, all the food was great! Or the Bar B Que We enjoyed in Jackson Hole and Durango, Colorado. Tiramasu was a new thing for me in Seattle at 24 and I remember the yummy chicken I made with my boyfriend's mom in a dutch oven at their ranch in Idaho . I have even had cheese in Wisconsin on a business trip and finally, I have had Pasta with Princesses at Disneyland. But nothing, nothing, nothing, can compare to eating Mizethra Cheese and Meat Sauce on Spaghetti right in my home town of Salt Lake City with my family this past weekend. The occassion was Mother's Day Eve and just recently sunk in that Our little family will go on with me included and we are OK for all the TRAMA and DRAMA we have been through. We sat in the Trolley, received flowers and laughed our heads off at twilight in the Jetta on the way to Sugarhouse Theaters while I tried to check the listings with 1-800free411 to no avail. I got Enterprise, Utah and several other strange listings and listened as Dar and Jade rolled with laughter as I slowly pronounced S-U-G-A-R-H-O-O-O-U-S-E into Dar's Blackberry like thing! Boy, did we have fun! We opted not to do the show, we were having too much fun talking and laughing and Dar treated us to a quick trip to Nordstrom Rack where I found a pretty silver and amethyst ring for under ten bucks in ten minutes. We drove down our familiar route to the University for both of us and took the route through downtown on the way home. It was just one of those times when life feels really, really, sweet and you are glad to be there! Oh and you won't see me apologizing for long blogs, they are for us and our prosterity and everyone who wants to listen and doesn't mind!

1 comment:

~heidi said... your last sentence a hint for me? Are you trying to tell me All that food, with the exception of frog legs sounds yummy! Hope you had a great Mother's Day, it sounds like you had fun. Talk to you later, by the way, I saw that you called, sorry, I was working.