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Friday, May 2, 2008

Adventures in Disney World!

Here are just a couple pics of our trip to Disney World. I bought the $125 photo CD and Lo and Behold I can't seem to upload them, where's Heid? but they are the cutest so they are on the way! We had a great time in Disney World and Dar totally spoiled his girls. It was great. When I was a little kid I had a huge desire to go there as did Jade before we went but as an adult I thought, what is the point? Why fly across the country to go to another Disneyland. Boy was I wrong. We stayed on site at a Disneyworld Hotel which was also a thrill and we got to spend a day with my brother and his family as they were in the magical kingdom the same day we were. Jade just loved cooing over her baby cousin Jett and holding Raegan's hand and teaching her the finer points of pin collecting! Best of all I got off the plane and realized I did not need any o2, it just also happened to be my birthday, what a gift! This is a pic of us in epcot where we went on the Nemo ride and toured all the beautiful country exhibits Paris was last and the pic of Jade and I in front of the Eifell Tower (sp?) did not work out. We sacrificed Europe for the 4th time so we could go as a family to Disneyworld. We highly recommend it, especially epcot and the wild kingdom where I actually got Dar to wear mouse ears, it was fantastic!


~heidi said...

That is a cute picture of you guys. Anytime you want me to help you get the pics uploaded give me a call, I am now free, at least for a month and then it starts all over again....

Stef said...


I love the blog and you guys look great. I was so glad to see your comment and couldn't wait to see your blog. Josh and I looked it over together with the kids. Sounds like you guys are doing really well. Keep up the blogging.
