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Friday, May 9, 2008

A tribute to more of my Gal Pals in Honor of Mother's Day!

Jade--Yes, I am her Mom first but I love having a Daughter to make fun of celebrities with, shoe shop with and do girlstuff like scrapbooking ,sewing,baking andGardening. Every year on Mother's Day Weekend we go to the nursury to pick out our flats of pansies and petunia's, I love it. It was she that I wanted when I had to have an invasive heart test done, usually I want my husband but that time I would have given anything just to hold her still tiny hand in mine. She has the best sense of humor and she is really fun to tell stories to. It's the best and one of the consolations that she is no longer three, or five or even eight. My girl is growing up way too fast. She makes a big deal about Mother's day too! She picks the gift weeks in advance and pays for it herself and drags my husband to wherever it is she is getting it. It is really fun! This is a pic of us at the Davis Fair last summer with our winning scrapbook entries. Oh ya and she makes a mean cup of Herbal Sleepy Time Tea! Love you Jade! Mom
Jenn Jenn-- My little sis was the most constant visitor when I went through chemo, she has told me several times how she looks up to me (although I am not sure why) recently she popped in unanounced with a bracelet from Brighton. It is one of my favorite things but seeing her smile and how excited she was was the best gift! She and my other sisters also surprized me and paid for my expenses when we went to see Wicked in LA last spring. She held my hand during the significant parts. I just love having sisters! Especially you Jenn Jenn!
Kel Kel-- K by now you have figured out we still use the names we used for each other when we were little it sounds cheesy to those around us but oh well. It goes like this... Kel Kel, Ju Ju, La La, Davey, Jeffy, Jenn Jenn, Tommy, Any way back to Kel. I have been awe of my big sister for as long as I can remember. Her home and her personal style are truly impeccable and she is a ton of fun. Her tastefully decorated Halloween House was featured on the channel five's morning news complete with interview. Then, she throws a party for all of us with tons of food, games and surprizes. This last years party was all pirate and the gift bag included fun stuff from disneyland. I was Kel's nanny during highschool but I still cannot believe she did so much for me. I always had cute clothes to wear and a lot of support. It was she that noticed Darren's qualities first. She has practically furnished my entire home, one time showing up unannounced with a beautiful curio cabinet but most of all I love just being around her and soaking up her positive energy.
Michelle- is my good friend from Highschool. She was my best friend actually and we have a lot of great memories. Over the years since then she has kept our group in touch and recently she called me on a particular difficult day and told me I was going to see her holistic doctor and then she paid for it. We listen to each other vent and support each other but she has always gone above and beyond and I am so grateful she is my friend!
Jeanne and Nacole- are my "talk scrapbooking and medicine" gal pals, my quality of life literally would not be what it is today without Jeanne and Nacole and I shared each other's agony for several years while we waited for babies. She called me in San Francisco when I lost Autumn and brought Angel statuettes to me recently. Then one day I realized we were not in the same boat that I had Jade and was so Blessed. I started praying harder for her and gave her both glow in the dark binkies I was saving in my drawer for us when we adopted twins, he, he,. Last fall her dream came true and she adopted a beautiful baby girl. She has helped me make sure Jade is ok and happy. She is a Great Friend.
April- how many times have you taken Jade to school in the snow or not, baby sat her, invited us up to roast marshmallows, helped me with my last day of school water party and let me pretend Easton and Kenz are my kids too. Oh ya and on the worst storm this past winter you hiked to the bottom of the hill get my car and lectured me about getting a car cell phone charger so I could call you. My phone was dead. You are a great friend girl, love ya!
Jamie- Thanks for all the times you entertained Jade since they were five and rearranged the plans for Sawyer's party because Jade was hungry. We have shared our desire to adopt internationally and you've made sure Sawyer takes care of Jade at school and because of him she will always have a friend. I love it when you let me know about sales you've heard about and I love that we don't even plan our kids parties who were born exactly one week apart until we have consulted each other. I love that I can always trust Jade with Sawyer even now that they are getting older because you are such a good mom!
Heather- we started out just quickly chatting when I would come in to Blockbuster and then we realized we have two mutual friends. Now you are getting Married and that is soo cool. Thanks for noticing when I haven't made it in and being so great about the recent past status of our account. Did I really keep love story that long. Anyway, you are one of those people that make me want to be a better person. I am so happy for you and cannot wait til you're a mom!
Trina- You are also one of those girls that is calm and always seems to have it together! I am super glad Connor and Jade have been in primary together, thanks for the cookies when I was sick and thanks running stuff to the school for me and watching Jade at the skating rink. When you told me how good she was and what a great mom I was it meant the world. I love to see what Capri is doing now because she and Autumn would have been almost exactly the same age. It was you who helped me be brave and get a cat too! Love ya Trin.
Mandy and Rachel- Mandy Jade just love's coming to your home for piano and to see the girls. I never have to nag her you have got her so motivated and you are such a cute visiting teacher! Rachel, thanks for all the things you thought were little but meant a great deal to me!
Megan- You are sooo cool! I am proud of you for training for this marathon and for all your other endeavers. Thanks for keeping me up to date with our visiting teaching and doing it for us for practically a year alone. Now that we are both blogging I see even more similarities between us and wonder why we are not closer. Hmmmm we need to work on that! Happy Mother's day!

1 comment:

meegz said...

THanks Judy! I hope you had a WONDEFUL Mothers Day! You are the best Mom Jade could have ever asked for!:)