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Thursday, November 20, 2008

Things couldn't be suckier and yet I am so Happy, Another Gratitude Post

Ya, it's pretty bad, and ya I am quite cheerful! Maybe it's a little denial, LOL. Or, Jade just made herbal tea for me last night and wrote a cute note saying she appreciated me for making her bonnet for school. Boo (my puppy) has been so perceptive to my plight and licking my hand or cuddling up to me. I was out with my girl Heid and we saw the most amazing, huge, falling star right over the base runway. I made a wish. Or maybe it's because my DH and I looked at homes and my heart and a huge weight on my shoulders was lightened. I realized I could iliminate a lot of pain and frustration for all of us with one level living. I had just prayed for help with our layout and the grief it causes when Dar made the suggestion to look. I had this great feeling when we toured one model. We could swing it and in one flail swoop I could have a main level master suite I loved. Laundry, granite countertops, island, built ins and formal dining. We could even have this on the main level and still have an upstairs with guest bedroom, room for Jade an office for Dar and studio for Jade and I. Pretty tempting when I don't let myself think about leaving my dear home. Maybe I am happy because a girl movie is out (twilight) and my sis invited me as well as my dear friend Nicole. It may be too late to get a ticket now but Nic was so sweet because my friends in this group all work together, it just touched my heart.
I am also having fun planning Jade's primary buds birthday bash, because it calls for creativity and I love to try to be creative, and I love birthdays, they are so happy, even for me. I just read Marley and Me in one day, no energy to do stuff, and it is a great book and gave me a lot of renewed faith in life. I recommend it to all. Recently I have been watching Good Things Utah and Oprah because they are so positive and informing and inspiring. I have learned soo much from design shows on HGTV and have tried to do some stuff for low cost or free in our home and WoW how fun! Jade's long time P.E. teacher suggested Jade do the reflections Wow contest on me, that was nice, even though it is not Jade's style to attract attention. We ARE going to Disneyland for Christmas which I think will be a pretty great experience, I just love that happy land. Finally, Jade did a great home evening lesson complete with songs, visual aids, typed hand outs and an she used one of my easel's, how cute is that (not to brag).
As for the bad stuff, well, I do not exagerate. I have so many BIG challenges right now and some I should not even deal with for 30 years from now, I can only shake my head, let my jaw drop and laugh (a little histerically) and cry. Now, do I have a thing on my forehead that says give this girl a hard time and take out your stuff out on her, she LOVE'S it! Because that, has been happening A LOT! Oh well, we've got to give a little, take a little, and let our poor heart's break a little, that's glory of, that's the story of love. I prefer to focus on being happy, yep, I am still grateful, bring it on!


~heidi said...

I am happy that you are happy! I could not agree more though, not for you at least because I do not know why things could not be suckier, but for me is what I mean that things could not be suckier. I just keep praying and hoping for that light at the end of the tunnel will come soon and try not to think about how crappy it is. Did that make sense at all because I am not sure it even made sense to me. Hmmmm. Oh well, have a wonderful night or day, depending on when you are reading this - or even morning for that matter. :)

meegz said...

I will keep you both in my prayers -- a sucky life isn't good for ANYONE at ANY LEVEL!
Take care you guys -- and keep on being grateful and serving others.
Heidi, thanks for loaning your family to cubs tonight -- they were incredibly helpful!!!