As we have smiled and laughed through another tough week (reminds us of fall 2006), I also reflected upon all that we have to be grateful for. I am Grateful to my Heavenly Father who is always there, and understands our joys and challenges like no other . I am grateful to my DH for his ever present help, love, security and commitment. I am also grateful for his patience and clean up of Jade's farm, (1 mini dachtson (sp?) ) 1 cat and four adorable kittens, even though he is alergic.
I am very grateful for my darling daughter, born on Thanksgiving, very fitting, she is such a blessing. This week she was my little nurse, taking my temp and making me cocoa and feeding me suckers for my throat, despite all the work she needed to do. She is so strong and beautiful, caring and funny, I cannot wait to celebrate her eleventh birthday (my favorite number) on Thanksgiving day. She also gave me the best career after my career (Mama)...
I am also grateful for our pets who make us smile and laugh and keep Jade company on the rare day their are not other kids here.
I am grateful for our extended family (especially my sisters', brothers', Parents' and Jade's cousins') because I will always be part of a girl group because of my three sisters, because Jade will always have them come what may and because my Mom always has time to listen and is positive and my Dad always makes me laugh, is always upbeat, and makes me feel safe and important. I also love it when they all need me.
I am grateful to my girlfriends always Heidi, April, Michelle, Lisa, Meegz, Trina and my girls' at Mountainview Cindy, Nicole, Jill, Myndee, MaryJane, Kath, Kath, Kristie, Tibby, Tracy.
I am very grateful to be an American, to vote and affect change, to have access to excellent medical care, to be blessed financially even though I am very expensive.
I am grateful to be blessed with strength, courage, resiliance and optimism.
I am grateful for my beautiful, spacious home even though it is the worst floor plan for someone like me. I am grateful to have raised Jade in such a place with beautiful views, fresh mountain air (most days) a room for Miss Jade, a scrapbook studio, my pretty bedroom with it's bay window that looks out on the golf course (if I would remember to pull the blinds), my little, cozy, bathrooms' and my kitchen we have family dinners in (they are soooo important). My family room filled with Jade's barbie's and friends', and April Ward two houses up, Kenz is Jade's age and she is GREAT, the salt of the earth. I have learned a lot from her.
I am grateful for nature, especially here in Utah. It is always beautiful here no matter the season and is always uplifting.
I am grateful for my education, I use it every day.
I am grateful for my desire to be creative, never said I was good, he, he.
I am grateful for my opportunities to do service, volunteer, do fun things like our upcoming Christmas trip to Disneyland from Dar's parents.
I am grateful for our friendly little community. It is so fun to be greeted at the grocery, blockbuster, tennis club, etc.
I am grateful to live in these times of craziness, if it were twenty years ago even twenty years ago I wouldn't be here. And I am getting better, Amazing Grace. I am grateful Jade will be fine.
I am grateful for my little german engineered Jetta in the garage, turned down the suv Dar wanted to buy me in the spring...but now that gas is going down...hmm. Most people in this world save their whole lives to buy one car, ya we are spoiled.
I am grateful for laughter! Wow, Tina Fey as Palin though I hate to admit it makes me laugh every time I think about it!
I am grateful for blu-ray technology and my hd flatscreen. I am sorry, this is shallow, but I Loooove Movies and adventure and it really is like being there it is so clear and realistic. Plus I love when extra info pops up about History or the World when we watch National Treasure or Nim's Island.
I am Grateful for the Priesthood and Blessings for my family and I. This includes our current great Bishoprick and my doctor's that share my faith, that has made a big difference. I am grateful for exercise, it makes me feel the best out of all the medicines. I swear I will make it to church soon.
I am grateful for every calling I ever had that allowed me to work with the great kids in our ward. I adore them! I have been Primary Teacher several times, Nursery Leader with Dar (precious), Activity Day Leader (oh my girls, I miss you!) and Young Women's President, Wow, that was Awesome! I have always been most inspired around our kids.
I am most grateful for the Gospel. Without which none of the above would be remotely possible and my little life in Layton never would have happened. It's a wonderful, challenging, heartbreaking, awesome life to live.
Thanks, Jude
What a beautiful list of the things you are thankful for. I am thankful to have a friend like you!
Way to look at the postitive!! Great to see you the other night. See you Sunday!:)
What a great post! It is so great to focus on all the things that we do have. You amaze me with your strength.
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