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Saturday, July 5, 2008

Tagged- Thanks Heid.

Before I begin I will echo my friend Megan's sentiments when I say sometimes we are not permitted to know why. Today I was at Barnes & Noble picking up a book I had ordered and trying to be patient because my little family was home on our sectional, cuddled up together watching t.v. our trip to the Uinta's postponed til tomorrow, when, I got terrible news. A young Mom in our ward has been diagnosed with a rare form of breast cancer. My heart aches for her and the battle she has ahead. I know what some of her thoughts are, I've been there. My lung fibrosis is rare and aggressive. I lost 70% of my lung capacity in just a few months. I am currently taking a powerful chemotherapy six pills a day to stave it off. But it's working, I have lung transplant to fall back on and I know that my prayer's and that of my family, friends and even Doctor's have a lot to do with it. So, please pray for her, she has three little kids, a young husband and a lot to do still.

Ten Years Ago- 1998
Jade was six months old. She said WoW as her first word, she was doing stuff 18 month olds were doing. We had these cards of animals. We would line them up three at a time and she would point out the cow the bird, she loved mary poppins and said mommy when she saw Lara Croft on the computer. She could do puzzles. Heid and I took our kids to the park in strollers together. I discovered scrapbooking, Dar still worked for AT&T. I still drove my mx6, I was planning a trip to Canada the next month, one of our homes away from home.

Five Years Ago- One of the sweetest times of my life. Jade was five. About to start kindergarten. We went to Lagoon every Wednesday we could with our passes. I worked part time at David's Bridal. We went to Mesa Verde on Vacation, we had a great time.

Five Months Ago- We were about to go to Disneyworld. I was still in grief that had finally come over the change my lungs had brought to our lives. Dar and Jade went Skiing and Snowboarding without me, a very tough time. Disneyworld was great for the most part. I turned 39. Things were about to get much better. I came home and prayed I could go without o2 like I had in Florida. My prayer was answered. Miracles do happen.

Five Bad Habits- I need to think before I talk. I resist change. I can be impulsive. I procrastinate. I am sometimes too optimistic.

Five Places I have lived -

Salt Lake East Bench
Denver, Colorado
Phoeniz, Arizona
Central California
Salt Lake West Side

Five things People don't know about Me-

I was nominated five different times for homecoming queen
I am considering getting my master's degree
Last July I was very near death, I live on chemotherapy, miracles do happen
I really, really love my family too much, did I jinx myself?
I can sew, I just made a handbag while my daughter sewed a dress.


~heidi said...

You are awesome! The only thing that I think I did not know about you was that you were nominated homecoming queen (you have not idea how many mistakes I have made as I have typed That is great! And no, you did not jinx yourself because you love your family to much, I am sure that they love you just as much - I know they do!!!
Hey, (honestly I cannot type -everyword I have to backspace, I guess it could be because it is almost 1am :) ) have fun on your drive to the Uintah's, I am sure it will be a whole lot cooler...yeah!!!!

meegz said...

Great to read these things about you Judy! I am so GLAD you are getting better -- and that you're a fighter!! You go girl!!