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Friday, October 10, 2008


Finally, I am blogging again! Ya, I was starting to get actual threats from my blog buddies, he,he! So, obviously Jade has started school and it's pretty great! This pic was taken by Jade's and my good friend Jill Chambers when Jade was in her kindergarten class. As for this year, I shamelessly adore her teacher Nicole Marchant. What can I say, she is organized, talented, creative, inspiring, fair and strict in a good way, warm and caring and stylish. I just love her darling classroom and outfits. Oh and we clicked like Jill Chambers and I did in kindergarten. Each of Jade's teachers have my utmost respect and love. Yes, I have loved each of them, Jill of course with her angel's patience, smiles and ever present camera. Sunny who adored Jade and my DH as he took over my great voluteer spot doing centers for the whole year when I took a new part time position. Jade jumped two and a half grade levels in reading and at teacher conference she said keep up the good work, there was nothing negative. Mrs. Larsen was very kind and assured me Jade had to be in Spectrum or be bored. Myndee asked me to be on the Spectrum Board as classroom coordinator and was very patient when I got very ill, had to drop out to do chemo and helped me keep Jade on track and active in third grade, Jade was the spider queen in their opera. We became great friends too! Mary Jane and Kath challenged Jade to the max and cheered our little family on and always told me how good she is, and again, lots of patience, thanks guys! And now, Nicole. We are only into the second month of school (really) and already Jade has blossomed! She has organized her binder with tabs and page protectors and is handling the work load well. I credit Nicole's calm, organized classroom. Nicole has helped us avert friend problems, Jade's been sick twice (lying right by me now), and helped me see Jade's place in student council is fine. (No, Jade is not getting everything she wants, which is how we like it) So ya, Nicole, maybe you are not the quintesential wife but you are an amazing mom, teacher and human being. No wonder your DH loves you, it will be just fine. And now I know so will Jade, thanks to you all. It gives a mom with a cheery but risky future feel safe and secure. Cute teacher outfit, $50, cute classroom that's inspirational $probably a few hundred, extra school supplies $100, warm smile 0$ (except cute lipstick $8) = Having your child in the classroom of an outstanding gifted teacher, Priceless. Thanks, Nicole , I know it is going to be a great year!


~heidi said...

Cute post! Jade does have great teachers.
Thank you guys for coming today - I appreciated it and Madi especially appreciated it. Madi really, REALLY likes the bracelet as well.
I am sooooo happy that you updated your blog as well, now I had something new to read about you guys :)
Have a good night or day, depending on when you are reading this.

andrew's mom said...

Judy you are so sweet! You and Jade make being her teacher a pleasure and so easy and fun-I only wish I had more students with her spirit and love of learning. It will be a great year for her and I don't have to do much to make that happen! Thanks for all the compliments-you better watch it or you'll give me a big head. So excited to see little Jade as Puck in MSND!

The Behunin Family Story said...

I totally have to agree with you. Nicole Marchant is a great teacher. Kylee loves her and so do I. I found your blog through her blog. Cute! I love to look at blogs. Kristie