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Thursday, October 30, 2008

Witches Night Out, Family Party & Boo, Hoo, We didn't get boo'd! Oh My Dear Goodness! As Jade would say...

Here I sit blogging surrounded by little objects of love from family members and friends who know I love Halloween. (Not a big fan of the scary stuff, just the family and friend stuff) And yet it still stings that up and down my street in every one of my ward member's window's is a boo sign to let everyone know they have already been boo'd (Except for us). I knew I should have been the one to start the boo thing this year (He, He)! The signs are all over the neighborhood too, everyone I know and love has been boo'd. Boy, I need some cheese to go with this whine:} Trust me, I know these girls love me, they are awesome! But where have I gone wrong, we are a prominant family at the school and I always took for granted we would be in our ward. I have always been blessed to be well liked (despite my many flaws) Highschool was the first time this was pointed out to me and boy was I surprized to be voted this and that. I still did not know I was considered popular until my senior year when I made Senior Standouts. I am in close touch with all my friends from then, three are bishops. At my recent class reunion I was given an award and our class president, my good friend, got teary eyed when he talked about my health struggle to our class. I also enjoy close, great friends at Jade's elementary school and have served on the PTA board several times. I was invited and once participated on the Layton Community Action Council, and we have the dearest, most amazing best friends in the ward (The Christensens) So why can't I let it go that except for Heidi, Megan, Janean, Candace and Mandy I am not (in the loop) so to speak. Why is it so important that we be boo'd. Well, maybe it's because my daughter asks why, my dogs name is boo for heaven's sakes. Isn't that a big clue? I am sorry but we are sooo darling (he, he, tongue in cheek) and very faithful, active members. You get what you give so obviously I am not doing enough in this neighborhood and that stings too. I better get with it, because Jade deserves to know her family is well liked and thought of in her ward. It will strengthen her testimony, teach her to love her ward family, to serve and be served with graciousness. That is another thing, I need to accept service more graciously. I haven't let my ward family (except for poor Heid, who does a lot) do much for me. And I need to do a lot more for others too. This is a great wake up call. And if anyone out there has felt the same way let me know and we will make a bigger effort together, and make sure everyone in this ward feels loved and gets boo'd for pete's sake :} Happy Halloween everybody, I love ya tons, and be prepared for a different sister Marchant from now on.

Witches Night Out, Cackle, Cackle, Cackle

Boy did we have fun! Our big sister Kelley surprized us with a Limosine to take us to Witches Night Out at Gardner Village. She dressed as Glinda the good witch and every little witch and some big ones had to have their picture taken with her. We cackled, we shopped the amazing bargains, we danced to monster mash and gave each other little presents before we left. I made bracelets, Kel gave us black licorice (actually carmelly) candy apples, yummy! We took pictures by the limo and the witches around us smiled as we cackled our way out of the limo. I made some friends when I had to stay inside from the night air and the manager at anastasia's attic wants me to bring bracelets to buy for their shop, boy was I surprized. Our three little witch cousins also had a great time at home carving pumpkins and telling each other not so spooky ghost stories, Jade was so happy telling me about it on the ride home. I even found a great frame with a great saying for Dar's parents for Christmas, can't wait until next year!

Family Halloween Party!

My sister Kel goes all out for our family halloween party at her beautiful home in Murray. She helped raise me ( I lived with her in high school to help her with her kids) too so I try to make something fun for her each year on Halloween. One year I made a Halloween stocking, stuffed and shaped like a witches boot. This year I made her a "Queen of Halloween" witches hat with a tiara, lights, candy and bubble gum on the brim. It sat on a plate and underneath hid a bag of chocolates. We won the pumpkin carving contest, and the cousins had a blast playing with the toddler cousins. There are seven of us, I am so grateful to my Mom for giving us each other. She was an only child and always tells us to cherish each other. I love my siblings, my baby neices and nephews, my older nephews and the ones in between. I really love my sisters-in-law. They are all great gals. It is soo great to have family and get together like this, we are truly blessed.


andrew's mom said...

Poor Jude-I would boo you if we were neighbors! Happy Halloween!

Mary Jane said...

I noticed that all my neighbors were booed too! I chose to look at it as the others needed it more than we did. I hope you are doing well!