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Saturday, August 9, 2008

Many Blessings in Our Family! New Baby, A Wedding, Sister's Night Out

Wow! It has been a big month for our family! My brother Jeff and his wife Rhiannon just welcomed Zari into their lives! She is so cute. Dar has to send the pics to me from his blackberry. We had a big family bar-b-que at their new home in the Avenues, Jeff can really cook. We brought a Pie from Marie Calendar's, Yum, can life get any better?

My Sister Laura and Paul got married yesterday on Catalina Island. I am so happy for her! I knew he was it from the minute I met him. We had a girl's night before she left a Bucca Di Beppo with our other sisters. Laur wore a tiara-veil I made her and Kel arrived in her new Lexis red hard top convertible with the license plate fast-pas. That is so Kel she loves Disney like me. I brought party favors. It was national sister day so I made them books and found Wicked flip flops for us all. Kel bought us tickets for April in Salt Lake. It will be fun to see it again.

Girls Night Out

We will now be having a monthly girl's night out and I didn't even have to bring it up. Kel is hosting first.

Our Vinyl Fence is finished! It only took us a dozen years in our home. Wow, I cannot believe it.

We sold the trooper, that is how I got sick today. At nine the guy showed up and I climbed in it one more time. The dust hit my lungs and it has been a rough day. I will be more careful. KSL.COM is AWESOME!


~heidi said...

WOW!!!! Three posts... I am impressed...So last night at...oh about 3am when we were helping the boys deliver papers we noticed there was no Trooper in your yard, so we wondered if it sold....Way to go, one less thing to have to store! If I do not see you before you leave for your trip, Have Fun!!!!

Kristi said...

Hello! I just found out you had a blog so I came to check it out - sounds like you are pretty busy & doing well. You'll have to visit our blog at

meegz said...

Crazy month lady!!
Glad you got the fence done -- you're so cute.

The trooper -- gone huh? KSL is great I agree. I sold my table in about 20 minutes on KSL.:)
See ya soon